Dit schreef de manager van hotel Arabella op hun facebookpagina.
Deze regels zouden ook gelden voor Bel Air en Arabella dus.
Men kan worden ondergebracht in Arabia, wat dan open blijft.
Bel Air ligt 20 min lopen vanaf de moskee richting Dahar.
Ashraf Farouk
Dear Guests,
I am sure that by now you are all aware of the current unrest in Egypt; although, in Hurghada we do not have any problems but the major travel agents and airlines have announced that they will not bring tourists to Hurghada until 15/9 and that they will only fly guests back that are already on holiday in Hurghada.
Due to this economic pressure the occupancy in the hotel is expected to decrease over the next few days till we reach an empty house; therefore, we are open till 29/8 whereas any new arrivals after this date till 15/9 will be staying at Arabia Azur….
Guests in-house already will complete their stay without disturbance.
Please note that this situation could change at any time according to new information that we receive from the tour operators.
We feel sad to inform you with such announcement and we trust that you understand that the situation is out of our hands.
May I ask you to share any questions or concerns with us rather than listening to rumors that might be misleading.
The information I am sharing with you now has just been decided less than 30 minutes ago and we are informing the travel agents now.
Best regards
Ashraf Farouk